In Factotum
1000 Distractions and Statements written between 16th June 2022 – June 16th 2023 (Part 1)
The Tram
The teenagers have scattered because of the low frequencies being emitted from the fast food restaurant.
Passengers by the last tram to St. Luke's Cross, which left the Statue at 9 p.m. on Saturday, had a rather eventful journey. The car had got about 60 or 70 yards beyond Empress Place police barracks when a number of men in police uniform, carrying carbines and accompanied by Auxiliaries in plain clothes, held it up.
Are you still reading, and why?
They ordered all the passengers off at the point of revolvers. Male passengers were somewhat roughly handled and then ordered to line up for search.
Some few were inclined to run and a voice rang out: "I'll shoot anyone who runs." All then stopped but some shots were fired in the air while the searches were being conducted. In some cases when the search was completed the person searched was ordered home, getting a bit of a rough send-off. The tramcar was then broken in by the police and a rifle shot was discharged, the smell of powder permeating the air. The tramcar was brought back to the Statue by the driver and conductor who when it neared there were ordered off. It was later set on fire and completely destroyed.
I’m standing outside the bar
Another thought.
Comes to mind.
Details of a fourteenth century image showing Henry of Germany delivering a lecture to University Students in Bologna by Laurentius de Voltolina in the Liber ethicorum des Henricus de Alemannia, preserved in the Kupferstichkabinett SMPK, Staatliche Museen, Pressiischer Kulturbesitz.
Which details?
What did Max Weber say to the meme?
Power is the chance to impose your will within a social context, even when opposed and regardless of the integrity of that chance.
A childhood memory.
Association unintentional.
Going beyond wikipedia.
The components of this text both practice and propose writing as performance.
Is this the best place to start?
Above is Max Weber.
Another place to start.
He can't be sure that this a factory.
Or what a factory isn't
Oh, it’s in this tone of voice?
I refuse to have an idea.
The tram left the depot like any other morning.
The sky was blue with a crisp frost covering every surface, apart from the red bricks of the building.
It had barely snowed but enough to create a vacuum of sound.
Sometimes. Laurentius de Voltolina was an Italian painter who was active during the 14th century.
He was born in the city of Padua, Italy, around 1300.
How is one born around a time?
Laurentius de Voltolina was known for his realistic style of painting, particularly in his portrayal of everyday life.There were rumours.
His paintings often depicted scenes from urban settings, capturing the activities and interactions of people.
A lecture
An argument.
Laurentius de Voltolina's works are considered important for their documentation of medieval social life and customs.
He was influenced by the artistic traditions of his time, including the Byzantine and Gothic styles.
Voltolina's paintings often featured rich details, intricate patterns, and vibrant colours. Isn't clear by now, who didn't write this.
His subjects ranged from religious themes
secular scen
festivalsand courtly life.
I stopped using an iron years ago.
Sex. Of some kind.
Laurentius de Voltolina was skilled in portraying human expressions and gestures, bringing a sense of life and realism to his artworks.
As fragments may suggest.
Isn't this a way to go about it.
He was known for his ability to capture the individuality of his subjects, whether they were saints, nobles, or commoners.
Voltolina's works provide valuable insights into the clothing, architecture, and social hierarchy of medieval Italy.
Many of his paintings feature multiple figures engaged in various activities, creating dynamic and lively compositions.
Laurentius de Voltolina's art reflects the growing interest in depicting the natural world and human experience during the Renaissance period.
His paintings often include elements of storytelling, allowing viewers to imagine narratives behind the scenes.
Voltolina's works were primarily created for private patrons, including wealthy individuals and religious institutions.
Some of his most notable works include "The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple" and "The Crucifixion."Laurentius de Voltolina's paintings have been preserved in various museums and collections around the world.
His style had a significant impact on later Italian painters, influencing the development of Renaissance art.
Could you find the mistakes?
Standing in the rain.
Or outside the bar.
A performance of sorts.
Tell them another story.
Voltolina's art represents a transition from the medieval tradition to the emerging artistic styles of the Renaissance.
Despite his talent and contributions to the art world, not much is known about Laurentius de Voltolina's personal life.
Is that true?
His artistic career flourished during the 14th century, a period of economic growth and cultural transformation in Italy.
Generation Vague.
Laurentius de Voltolina's paintings provide glimpses into the daily lives, aspirations, and challenges faced by people in medieval society.
He is regarded as an important figure in the history of Italian art, contributing to the evolution of painting techniques and subject matter.
The details and precision in Voltolina's paintings reveal his meticulous approach to capturing the physical world.
His works often exhibit a sense of harmony and balance, achieved through careful composition and proportion.
Laurentius de Voltolina's art serves as a valuable record of the social and cultural dynamics of medieval Italy.
He embraced the use of perspective in his paintings, creating a sense of depth and dimensionality.
Voltolina's compositions frequently feature architectural elements, adding structure and spatial context to the scenes.
The artist's technique involved the use of tempera paint, which allowed for precise brushwork and vibrant colors.
Laurentius de Voltolina's works demonstrate his skill in capturing the nuances of light and shadow, adding depth and realism to his subjects.
His attention to detail extended to the clothing and accessories worn by his figures, reflecting the fashion trends of the time.
If you're not bored by now, now, how? bored?
Voltolina's paintings often included background elements that provided insight into the social, economic, and cultural contexts of the depicted scenes.
Laurentius de Voltolina's artistic style was influenced by the cultural and artistic exchanges happening in Italy during his lifetime.
He incorporated elements of both Italian and international artistic traditions into his works.
Voltolina's paintings were sought after by collectors and art patrons of his time, reflecting the appreciation for his skill and
There needs to be an idea.
Start with the building.
There is no rationality for this but there are precedents.
There is no smell here.
They are planning an act.
Copied and pasted.
Cold and calculated.
Stop in your tracks.
A politician's speech, a minister's sermon, or even a businessperson’s sales presentation may be similar in form to a lecture.
A spotlight and an audience.
Usually, the lecturer will stand at the front of the room and recite information relevant to the lecture's content.
His arm pulled back.
Stand up.
Recite information
This is a contradiction.
Every day except for Sunday.
Seamus always started the evenings events by leaning into O’Gorman and asking him a question.
Before anything verbal was exchanged O’Gorman could smell the whiskey off his breath.